News von bq-microwave
Waveguide Straights up to 750 GHz
Waveguide Straights up to 750 GHz Waveguide Straights up to 750 GHz From WR1.5 to WR2300 custom components upon request Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen
Koaxiale Breitbandverstärker / Coaxial Broadbandamplifier DC-70 GHz
Koaxiale Breitbandverstärker / Coaxial Broadbandamplifier DC-70 GHz Koaxiale Breitbandverstärker / Coaxial Broadbandamplifier DC-70 GHz several ultra Broadband Amplifiers in stock low cost, fast lead time customized Amplifiers upon request Product highlight for our Broadband →
Qualwave product range introduction / product catalogue
Qualwave Produktkatalog / Produktübersicht Qualwave Produktkatalog / Produktübersicht bq-microwave bietet Ihnen das komplette Sortiment des asiatischen Hersteller Qualwave an. Das Produktsortiment von Qualwave beinhaltet folgende Komponenten: Adapters DC-110GHz, Coaxial Adapters & Waveguide to Coax →
Waveguide Near Field Probes up to 325 GHz
Waveguide Near Field Probes up to 325 GHz Waveguide Near Field Probes up to 325 GHz From WR1000 to WR3 low cost stock items custom lengths Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Flexible & Twistable Waveguides
Flexible & Twistable Waveguides Flexible & Twistable Waveguides Wir bieten Ihnen ein breites Sortiment an diversen flexiblen Hohlleitern an. Flexible & Twistable Waveguide (WR284-WR28) Flexible Seamless Waveguide (WR770-WR28) Flexible Double Ridged Waveguide Alle Infos →
Bandpassfilter up to 53 GHz – by TMYTEK
Bandpassfilter up to 53 GHz – by TMYTEK Bandpassfilter up to 53 GHz – by TMYTEK Frequency Band N257, N260, N261 Available Frequency Ranges: Bandpassfilter 26.5-29.5 GHz Bandpassfilter 27-29 GHz Bandpassfilter 27.5-28.5 GHz Bandpassfilter →
High Performance 4-Port USB Hub
USB Hub – LPH-204B - VAUNIX High Performance 4-Port USB Hub Ultra low noise for optimal performance of audio and video recording equipment Durable cast-aluminum housing suitable for the most rugged environments Oversized power →
RF Downconverters up to 40 GHz
RF Downconverters up to 40 GHz - by SignalCore RF Downconverters up to 40 GHz Frequency Ranges: DC-6GHz Downconverter 6-26.5 GHz Downconverter 20-40 GHz Downconverter Available Interfaces PXI Express, USB-SPI, USB RS232 For more →
High Power DC-Blocks up to 18 GHz
High Power 100 Watts DC-Block 0.01-18 GHz High Power DC-Block up to 18 GHz Frequency range 0,01-18 GHz 200 V 100 Watt Power N-male / female Connector custom designs available Further DC-Blocks up to →
Millimeter Wave Components up to 750 GHz / Millimeterwellen Komponenten bis 750 GHz
Millimeter Wave Components up to 750 GHz bq-microwave bietet Ihnen ein breites Sortiment an Millimeterwellen Komponenten bis zu einem Frequenzbereich von 750 GHz an. Wir arbeiten eng mit einigen qualitativ sehr hochwertigen Herstellern zusammen. →
C-Band Waveguide Filters up to 4200 MHz
C-Band Waveguide Filters up to 4200 MHz for Satcom Systems VAUNIX neustes Produktveröffentlichung - C-band Waveguide Filter für Satcom Systeme Da Mobilfunknetzbetreiber fortschrittliche 5G-, LTE- und WiMax-Netzwerkausrüstungen einführen, müssen Hersteller von Satellitenkommunikation (Satcom) und →
USB controlled RF Switches up to 8 GHz
USB controlled RF Switches up to 8 GHz / USB RF Schalter bis 8 GHz VAUNIX USB controlled RF Switches / USB steuerbare HF Schalter Frequency up to 8 GHz / Frequenzbereich bis 8 →