News von bq-microwave
Waveguide Couplers up to 325 GHz
Waveguide Couplers up to 325 GHz Waveguide Couplers up to 325 GHz Directional Coupler up to 325 GHz (WR28-WR3) Broadwall Couplers (WR650-WR28) Crossgiude Couplers (WR430-WR10) Single & Dual Directional Loop Coupler (WR650-WR90) custom solutions →
Coaxial RF Filters up to 67 GHz
Coaxial RF Filters up to 67 GHz Coaxial RF Filters up to 67 GHz Bandpassfilters up to 67 GHz High Pass Filters up to 67 GHz Low Pass Filters up to 28 GHz Band →
Programmable RF Attenuator up to 40 GHz
Programmable RF Attenuator up to 40 GHz Programmable RF Attenuator up to 40 GHz LDA-403 by VAUNIX Frequency Range: 0.1-40 GHz Attenuation Range: 31.5 dB Step size: 0.5dB Connectors: 2.92mm Interfaces: USB and Ethernet →
WR2.2 Standard Gain Horn Antenna 325-500 GHz
WR2.2 Standard Gain Horn Antenna 325-500 GHz WR2.2 Standard Gain Horn Antenna Frequency Range: 325-500 GHz Gain: 25dBi typical further Standard Gain Horn Antennas available many stock items Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Fixed Attenuators DC-110 GHz
Fixed Attenuators DC-110 GHz Fixed Attenuators DC-110 GHz Frequency Range: DC-110 GHz Connectors: 1.0mm Power Rating: 0.2W Attenuation: 3dB, 6dB, 10dB, 20dB, 30dB low cost, fast lead times Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Waveguide 3 Stub Tuner up to 40 GHz
Waveguide 3 Stub Tuner up to 40 GHz Waveguide 3 Stub Tuner up to 40 GHz from WR650 to WR28 high power versions available Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Faraday Isolators up to 260 GHz
Faraday Isolators up to 260 GHz Faraday Waveguide Isolators Frequency Range up to 260 GHz from WR42 to WR4 Fullband versions available Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen
Programmable RF Attenuators up to 20 GHz USB Stepped Attenuators
Programmable RF Attenuators DC-20 GHz USB Digital Programmable Attenuators up to 20 GHz 1, 4, 8, 12 & 16 Channel available Handover Test Systems up to 512 Channels Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Coaxial Switches DC-50 GHz
Coaxial Switches DC-50 GHz Coaxial Switches DC-50 GHz SPST-SP18T low cost, fast lead tim High Power versions available feel free to send us your requested switch configurations. Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Waveguide Filters up to 400 GHz
Waveguide Filters up to 400 GHz Waveguide Filters up to 400 GHz from WR22 to WR2 Waveguide Bandpass Filters Waveguide Lowpass Filters Waveguide Highpass Filters custom designs available many stock items Alle Infos als →
Coaxial Adapter DC-110 GHz
Coaxial Adapter DC-110 GHz Coaxial Adapter DC-110 GHz Frequency: DC-110GHz VSWR: 1.35 max. Insertion Loss: 0.6dB max. Impedance: 50Ω Connectors: 1mm male & female Low cost, fast lead times Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →
Hybrid Couplers up to 40 GHz
Hybrid Couplers up to 40 GHz Hybrid Couplers up to 40 GHz 90 & 180 degree Hybrid Couplers Frequency Range up to 40 GHz customized on request Alle Infos als PDF herunterladen →