D-Band WR6 Low Noise Waveguide Amplifiers 110-170 GHz

WR6 D-Band Waveguide Low Noise Amplifiers 110-170 GHz
The WR6 Waveguide Low Noise Amplifiers from AT Microwave are designed for D-band frequencies, operating between 110-170 GHz. Ideal for applications requiring low noise and high sensitivity, this amplifier offers excellent performance in areas such as radar systems, 5G (D-band) communications, FOD (Foreigner Objects Debris), ROF (RF Over Fiber), Test Equipment and scientific research. Its compact waveguide design ensures efficient power handling and minimal signal distortion.
We can offer this D-Band amplifiers in different fullband (110-170 GHz) versions:
- Module with DC Power Supply
- Bench top version +220V Supply with AC/DC Adapter – LCBT version (blue component)
The key specifications are of those D-Band Waveguide Amplifiers are:
- Frequency Range 110-170 GHz (fullband)
- Gain: 18dB and 33dB version
We can also offer D-Band Power Amplifier 110-170 GHz and many other Waveguide Amplifier up to 330 GHz.
Feel free to send us your request to info@bq-microwave.de or use our contact form on our website. We are happy to assist you with our quotes.
Please click below for downloading our latest Datasheet for our WR6 Waveguide Amplifiers