360° Analog Phase Shifter 3-6 GHz

Analog Phase Shifter 3-6 GHz
- Phase Range: 360°
- SMA-female Connectors
- Model # APS-0306-360
Many different Analog Phase Shifters up to 31 GHz available, also Broadband units covering frequency range 1-2 GHz 2-7 GHz, 6-18 GHz, 18-26,5 GHz
The Analog Phase Shifter are used for many different application:
- Point to Point Radios
- VSAT Radios
- Test Equipment
- Fiber Optic
- Military and Space
If you have any request for Analog or Digital Phase shifters, please feel free to send us your request to info@bq-microwave.de or use our contact form on the website.