bq microwave: Your expert for high frequency and millimeter wave components
bq-microwave has been on the market since 2011. In the last ten years we have specialized in the distribution of high frequency and millimeter wave components. This makes us your competent consultant for your individual solutions.
Your expert for high frequency and millimeter wave components
We are a young and dynamic team with a sales experience of over 30 years in this industry.
Together with our partners we work on your demand-oriented and cost-efficient solution.
Our main goals for our components, modules and systems are:
- High quality products
- Fast support
- Competitive prices
- Fast delivery times
- Complete customer satisfaction

Latest news from bq-microwave
WR3 Waveguide Power Detector 220-325 GHz
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Rectangular to Circular Transitions WR12 to WR3
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RF Downconverter 20-40 GHz by SignalCore
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